Of course, we’re thankful for our sweet pets each and every day. But, this Thanksgiving there’s a few specific reasons we’re very thankful for them. Check them out below! 😉

1. They remind us it’s ok if you are more than just a little bit “fluffy” after several helpings of Thanksgiving dinner.

2. They won’t judge us if our pants don’t fit us after one too many scoops of mashed potatoes.

3. They’ll eat Aunt Karen’s mystery casserole under the table when no one is looking.

4. They’re a welcome distraction when that one family member that all comes to mind brings up politics.

5. They will happily do the dishes, even if grandma disapproves.

6. They’ll happily join you on the couch to help get you through your turkey-induced coma.


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7. And will then proceed to make sure you get up off the couch to GO OUTSIDEEEE!

8. And will be pumped for you to PUT UP THE TREE!!!

Here’s wishing everyone and their fluffy friends a very Happy Thanksgiving!